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Welcome to the Year 2 online learning page!

Spellings and Maths Homework(11.6.21)

Mothers Day Song

Here is our Mothers Day song. The first verse is everything mums do for us and the second verse are words to describe our mums. You really all are SUPERMUMS woahhhhhh! I hope you all have a lovely Mothers Day!

Christmas Song

Hello everyone,

Please watch the video below to listen to our version of the 12 Days of Christmas. The children worked so hard creating their own lines and rehearsing the song. They thoroughly enjoyed performing it. So sit back, relax and enjoy. I hope you all have a lovely Christmas! Take care and I will see you all soon!

Miss Palmer

Please check the page regularly for resources we are going to be using in class and what you can do to support your child with further learning at home.

Please find our lockdown resources below. The resources you will need for the week in Phonics, Handwriting, Maths and English can be found underneath each new week beginning date.

Homework (12.3.21)

Maths Homework- Practise your 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables on TT Rockstars!

Schofield and Sims

Week beginning (8.3.21)

Phonics Videos

Week beginning (1.3.21)

Spellings (1.3.21)

Phonics (ALL WEEK)

Practise your alternative spellings on:


Go to the home page. Scroll down to find the username and password to get access to all of the games. Once you are logged in, click on resources and phase 5. Scroll down to ‘Phase 5c Interactive Resources – Weeks 8-30’ to find alternative spelling games. Have fun!

Monday (1.3.21)




Tuesday (2.3.21)




Wednesday (3.3.21)




Thursday (4.3.21) World Book Day

Friday (5.3.21)

Week beginning (22.2.21)

Spellings (22.2.21)

Monday (22.2.21)

Phonics: Welcome to Phase 6!

Handwriting (Revising joins)

Maths – Length and Height

English- THE BFG

Tuesday (23.2.21)


Can you spot the past and present tense verbs in Funny Bones? You could have a discussion with someone or write them down in a table with the headings present and past.




Wednesday (24.2.21)





Thursday (25.2.21)





Character Description- live lesson link


Friday (26.2.21)

Letters and Sounds REmote Teaching and Parent information from English Hubs

Below is a link to home learning resources including remote teaching videos that our English Hub School have shared with us. The remote teaching clips follow our Letters and Sounds Programme and are available to you to use to support your child at home. This can be either in the case of school absence but also as a support alongside in class teaching to ensure your child is making the best possible progress! Any questions you may have about this please do not hesitate to contact us at school.


Feel Good Friday! (5.2.21)

Phonics Lessons (Updated 8.2.21)

Here is the phonics revisit and review section of phase 3 and 5 phonemes to watch before every phonics lesson at home! 🙂

Phonics lesson 1: alternative spellings ‘ch’ (7.1.21)

Phonics lesson 2: alternative spellings ‘j’ (8.1.21)

Phonics lesson 3: alternative spellings ‘m’ (11.1.21)

Phonics lesson 4: alternative spellings ‘r’ (12.1.21)

Phonics lesson 5: alternative spellings ‘n’ (13.1.21)

Phonics lesson 6: alternative spellings ‘s’ (14.1.21)

Phonics lesson 7: Alternative spelling ‘z’ (15.1.21)

Phonics lesson 8: Alternative spellings ‘u’ (18.1.21)

Phonics lesson 9: Alternative spellings ‘i’ (19.1.21)

Phonics lesson 10: Alternative spellings ‘ear’ (20.1.21)

Phonics lesson 11: Alternative spelling ‘ar’ (21.1.21)

Phonics lesson 12: Alternative spelling ‘air’ (22.1.21)











Phase 5 Alternative Spellings Consolidation Tasks (8.2.21)

Please find below alternative spelling activities to consolidate the phonics learning from this half term. Please only complete one per day 🙂


Curriculum- Art/D&T (8.2.21)

Aboriginal Art (Australia)

Design and make your own ship using materials:

Build your own ship and have fun!

Think about the different parts of the Endeavour ship. How could you make them using materials?

Can you label the 7 continents and 5 oceans on the map? Can you spot where Captain Cook sailed to?

Can you label a compass to help you navigate?

English Lessons (Updated 8.2.21)

Our topic is Neil Armstrong VS Captain Cook

Captain James Cook

(11.2.21) Write your diary entry as Captain Cook on board the Endeavour.







Week 2 Neil Armstrong






Week 1 Neil Armstrong







(15.1.21) Types of Poems







Spellings (Updated 8.2.21)

Handwriting (Updated 8.2.21)















Maths Lessons (Updated 8.2.21)

Schofield and Sims and Target Maths:

The children will know which colour Scofield and Sims book they are working on. In class we got up to Section 1 Session 5 (orange book) and Section 1 Session 8 (purple book). Please feel free to complete any Target Maths worksheets if you would like to. Section A (easier), B (medium), C (harder).

Fractions (8.2.21)









Week 2: Telling the Time






Week 1: Telling the Time:

(22.1.21) Consolidating telling the time to 5 minutes


(20.1.21) Introducing quarter to

(19.1.21) Introducing quarter past

(18.1.21) O’clock and half past

Multiplication and Division:

(15.1.21) Multiplication Word Problems

Here are some extra word problems you could have a go at:

(14.1.21) Dividing by 10

Here are some extra division word questions you could have a go at:

(13.1.21) Dividing by 5

(12.1.21) – Dividing by 2

(11.1.21) – Multiplication 10 Times Table

Here are some extra worksheets focusing on multiplication below. We use these in class. Please feel free to complete them in your own time. The sheets are differentiated (D-Developing, E-Expected, GD-Greater Depth).

(8.1.21) Multiplication – 5 Times Tables

(7.1.21) Multiplication -2 Times Tables

Please watch this video which explains the Phonics Screening Check for Year 2.
Thank you!

Resources to help your child prepare for the Phonics Screening Check:

Phonics Revision – 23/11/20

Phonics ( Updated wb: 19.10.20)

Phonics Resources:

English Resources: The New 7 Wonders of the World (wb 23/11/20)

This week we are continuing to write our non-chronological reports based on the Taj Mahal. The children are finishing off their drafts and then writing a final version of their report. If you’re at home it would be great if you could write a report based on a different new wonder of the world. Have a look at the powerpoint below to remind you of the features and help you structure your writing.

The Tunnel by Anthony Browne (wb 19.10.20)

Week 6: In English this week we will be editing our tunnel stories and looking at Reading Plus.

Week 5: Writing Week!

Click on the powerpoint below. We will be writing focusing on one part of our narratives each day this week.

Week 4:

Lesson 1 and 2: Word classes (Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs)

Click on the links and watch the videos below. Have a go at the activities at the end of the pages.

Lesson 3 and 4: Features of a narrative

Week 3:

Lesson 1: Rose is about to go into the tunnel! Can you think of amazing adjectives to describe the tunnel? Can you improve your vocabulary?


Lesson 2: Can you write a description about the tunnel?

Lesson 3: Expanded Noun Phrases

Lesson 4: Comprehension

Week 2:

Week 1 (w/b: 14.9.20)
The Colour Monster

Maths Resources: (Updated wb: 23.11.20)

Calculations: Think of your own too and use a number line to work out the answers.

Easier differences: 12 – 9 = 14 – 8 = 13 – 9 = 20 – 7 =

Medium / hard differences: 38 – 25= 46 – 23 = 56 – 32 = 67 – 49 =

Week 6: Reading and writing numbers to 100 in numerals and words / Place value word problems

Week 5: Comparing numbers

Week 4: Counting in 2s, 3s, 5s from 0 and 10s.

Lesson 1: Counting in 2s (The numbers in the 2 times table are all even. They always end in 2,4,6,8 or 0)

Lesson 2: Counting in 5s (The numbers in the 5 times table always end in 5 or 0)

Lesson 3: Counting in steps of 10

We will also look at adding in tens from any number, forwards and

Lesson 4 and 5: Counting in 3s

The 3 times tables can be tricky as there is no set rule to follow. However, here are some strategies to help your child learn how to count in 3s.

Week 3: Tens and Ones

Lesson 1: Partitioning 2 digit numbers using the Part Whole Model.

Lesson 2:

Lesson 3:

Lesson 4:

Week 2: Representing numbers


Sports England
Osted Good
ICT Mark
Healthy Schools
Active Mark
Arts Council
The FA

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