It is the intention of Hutton Rudby Primary School to provide a geography curriculum which stimulates interest and provokes curiosity with all our children across school. We aim to equip children with the knowledge and understanding to explore the world in which we live. We intend to do this by:
• Enabling the development of geographical skills through the study of places, people and natural
•Developing transferrable skills which are used in other areas of the curriculum, such as history, PSHCE
and science.
• Promoting investigatory and enquiry-based skills to explore the geography that surrounds us.
• Making associations between aspects of human and physical geography and encouraging children to
explore these areas within their own locality and the wider world.
• Providing opportunities for all children to learn and investigate the physical processes involved in the
creation of landscapes and environments.
• Actively encouraging children to explore their immediate surroundings, develop their fieldwork skills
and create a sense of intrigue.
We use progression statements to guide our children through the curriculum, building on prior knowledge. The progression statement for Geography in the Academic Year 2022/24 can be found below.
Beginning in Academic Year 2023 / 24, the units of work taught in Geography are changing. To ensure full curriculum coverage for all classes, there are small differences between the 23/24 Scheme of Learning and the one that will be used moving forward. Below, you can view our Scheme of Learning: