School Productions/Drama
At the centre of all Drama is communication and confidence. Like all the arts, drama allows children to communicate with and understand others in new ways. It also builds upon the children’s confidence and resilience and gives them a sense of pride. Drama allows all children to shine. At Hutton Rudby Primary, we greatly value the importance of drama, and the impact that it can have on all our pupils.
Drama and music form the basis of our Harvest festival celebration and Christmas Carol service held at our local community church, All Saints.
Our Christmas and Summer productions are truly something to behold. Recently, our Year 5 and 6 Christmas productions of Matilda, Mulan and Mary Poppins allowed the children to not only perform on stage in front of three packed out audiences, but also allowed the children to develop their ability to read and write music themselves. ( Watch the performance of Mulan below).
Our Reception and KS1 children perform a wonderful Nativity each Christmas. There isn’t a dry eye in the house!
Also at Christmas, Year 3 and 4 take on their own school production. The confidence the Year 3 and 4 children gain from being involved in a whole school production performing on stage is invaluable to their emotional and social development. The children have performed some memorable performances such as Treasure Island, a 1920’s themed murder mystery and Alice in Wonderland.