Year 3
Mental Health and Wellbeing
It is such a strange time for everyone at the moment but for our children it is a lot to try and understand. Here are some resources from the PSHE Association, which might be very useful for our children to help identify the feelings and emotions they may be experiencing. They are a good way of encouraging children to talk about and reflect on their feelings and emotions.
Resource 1 worksheet – Feelings match up
Resource 1A worksheet – Feelings match up – parent guide
Resource 2 worksheet – Body outline
New Topic: Scrumdiddlyumptious!!!
We have some very exciting things in store for our summer topic of ‘Scrumdiddlyumtious’. We will be tantalising our taste buds with delicious treats and finding out about where food comes from and how it ends up on our plates. There will be lots of opportunities for exploration and things you can do at home.
Year 3, we have now come to the end of our Scumdiddlyumptious topic. I have put together a project for you to concentrate on this week, which I think you will really enjoy doing. Your task is to design your very own garden tea-party!
I am missing reading to you all very much so I have chosen a book that we can share together. Hope you’re all enjoying some amazing books at home too 🙂
Part 2 of The Minpins. Olive and Mabel make a guest appearance!!
Part 3 of The Minpins. Accompanied by Sergio the budgie 🙂
Part 4 of The Minpins – The Final Part (Sergio joins in at the end!)
Mr. Kelly’s Skill School
The challenge has been set by the Kelly family. Have a go at these skills and show us how you do!
Week beginning 13.07.20
As we have reached our final week of Year 3, I would like you to create a scrap book of memories from the year, highlighting all of your favourite moments. You have all done so many amazing and wonderful things, it would be lovely to capture the best bits in something you can keep, to remember the year.
Summer Reading Challenge
Hutton Rudby Reads Summer Reading Challenge
Week beginning 29.06.20
A fun task ahead for this week. I would like you to become producers of your very own T.V advert, advertising your favourite food. You must try and make your advert as entertaining as possible, you need to make it as attractive as you can for your viewers. The food you choose to advertise is entirely your choice. It could be a chocolate bar, a homemade treat or a drink. Follow the steps below to help you create your advert:
- Watch a variety of food adverts to give you some ideas about what you would like to do and how you might do it
- Choose your food item to advertise
- Create a script to accompany your advert (this will help you remember what to say)
- Put your advert together and practise until ‘perfect’
- Film your final piece!!!
Week beginning 22.06.20
I hope you managed to find out lots of interesting facts about James Lind last week. This week, I would like you to write your biography about James Lind using the help sheet below. Try and include as much information as you can and remember to write each section in a different paragraph.
Week beginning 15.06.20
This week in English I would like you to carry out some research to find out about a man named James Lind. You will be using the information you gather this week to write a biography about him next week. A biography is a type of recount that tells the reader all about a person’s life.
This week, I would like you to gather as much information as you can about James Lind and record your information using the following:
Biography Interview Questions (Twinkl)
We have now completed our Spelling Shed spelling scheme for Year 3. For the remainder of the term, I will be setting
Week beginning 08.06.20
This week, we are going to continue with our food poetry, only we are going to be look at a different form of poetry writing. Limericks are short rhyming poems which follow a particular rhyme and structure. They are usually very funny and can be as silly as you want them to be.
I have had the help of two very special children who have kindly demonstrated their own Limericks based around food…
This week, I would like you to have a go at creating your own food Limericks. Remember to follow the pattern using the help sheet below. If you would like to perform them aloud and send me a video that would be great and very funny I’m sure!
Week beginning 01.06.20
Year 3, I have really enjoyed reading your story maps and cake descriptions, you have certainly invented some obstacles for Michael to overcome on his way to the kitchen!
This week, what I would like yo to do is write your own free-verse poem about sneaking some tasty treat that you are not allowed. You might decide your poem wants to be about a cake too but you might also decide on another favourite food of yours and it might not be in the kitchen at night.
When writing your poem, each line of the poem needs to be on a new line on your page; this way, it will have the format of a poem. Remember, free-verse poetry doesn’t rhyme and doesn’t follow a set pattern. Watch Michael Rosen’s chocolate cake video again to remind yourselves.
Once you have thought about what you want your poem to be about, write it down and then see if you can make a short video to accompany it.
Week beginning 18.05.20
Over the next couple of weeks, we are going to be looking at poetry with a twist. The type of poetry we will be focusing on is ‘free verse’. Free verse poetry is different from other types of poetry because it does not follow a certain structure, doesn’t rhyme but does tell a story.
Here is a great explanation of what free verse poetry is:
Our final poems are going to be centred around one of my favourite poems ‘Chocolate Cake’ by Michael Rosen. This poem always takes me back to the first time I ever heard it when I was in primary school and never fails to make me feel hungry!
So, your first couple of tasks for this week based on the above poem are to:
- Create a story map for Michael to get from his bedroom to the kitchen. Invent three obstacles which he will have to avoid to prevent him from being caught. You may wish to draw your map and annotate it.
- Create a description of the chocolate cake using the following: adjective list sentences (describing the 5 senses), similes and conjunctions.
Just like Michael Rosen did, by the end of our poetry unit, I would like you to create a short video piece to accompany your poem and bring it to life. To get you thinking, I have done one for you…
Week beginning 11.05.20
You have already looked at and followed lots of instructions over the past couple of weeks so you understand the features of instructions and how they are set out. Now it’s over to you! As our topic is ‘Scrumdiddlyumptious’, you are going to design (and hopefully make) the scrummiest treat you can think of. I would like you to write and present your instructions as we would do during a ‘final edit’ at school.
I look forward to seeing your creations 🙂
Week beginning 04.05.20
I was so pleased to see that so many of you managed to find different examples of instructions around your homes and you tried really hard to use and find imperative verbs. This week, I would like you to follow a range of instructions to see if you can achieve the final product. Once you have followed your instructions, send me a picture of the things you have been getting up to. Some ideas may include:
- Recipes
- Construction kits (Lego, K’nex etc)
- Origami – there are lots of fun things to make with the art of paper-folding
- Computer games
- Exercise routines, football skills etc
- Planting seeds
Following instructions carefully is a very important skill and it will not only help your word reading but also your comprehension. See is you can find any new features of instruction writing and make a note of any imperative verbs that you may not have found already.
Week beginning 27.04.20
Our first piece of writing this half term is focused around instruction writing. This week, I would like you to explore different forms of instructions around your home, think about games, recipes, tools etc. I would like you to make a list of any features of instructions that you can find. Consider the language used, the layout and the sentence types.
Imperative verbs
Imperative verbs are key to instruction writing. They tell the reader exactly what to do and help keep instructions clear and precise. Here are a couple of activities to help you practise using imperative verbs:
20.04.2020 – Weekly task
Your first task to get you started is to investigate where certain foods come from and to do this I would like you to:
- Choose 6 items of food that you have in your kitchen (fridge, cupboard, freezer, fruit bowl etc)
- Find out which country the food (or main ingredient of product) comes from
- Find out how the food travelled from where it originated from to your plate
Once you have completed this, send it to me on Class Dojo, I would love to see what you have found out 🙂
Week beginning 30.03.20 Poetry Focus
The River by Valerie Bloom!
(Imagination required.)
Here are the resources that you will need to create your own river poems based upon the poem ‘The River’ written by Valerie Bloom. I would like you to think of different metaphors to describe your river as Valerie did, and use personification to help bring your rivers alive. The YouTube link is also very good for explaining the poem.
26.03.20 ENGLISH River Descriptions
I have set you this river description task in preparation for some river poetry we will be doing next week. When thinking of adjectives I would like to to be as creative as possible, use a thesaurus to find synonyms, either using an online or book version. Remember, a simile is a direct comparison between two things and you will use the words ‘like’ or ‘as’ to do this. A metaphor is when you make a comparison between two things that aren’t alike but have something in common. When writing a metaphor you use the work ‘is’.
Here are your English spellings for this next week along with a couple of activities from Spelling Shed.
In English this week we have been researching flood plains and considering the question ‘should we build on floodplains?’ with a view to create our own piece of persuasive writing around this. Here is a checklist for persuasive writing.
Thurs 19th Mar ENGLISH Persuasive Writing Mat
Week beginning 13.07.20
For your final piece of maths, I would like you to have a go at the Summer Activities in this pack:
Year 3 Summer Booklet – Questions
Year 3 Summer Booklet – Answers
Week beginning 29.06.20
This week we will be recapping all of the things we have covered with measures in Year 3. I have gathered a variety of activities and resources for you to have a go at this week:
Week beginning 22.06.20
This week we are going to be focusing on time; looking at analogue and digital clocks. Last time we learned time (which was a while ago now) I was very impressed with how you were all getting the hang of reading analogue and digital clocks. There are some great lessons and activities on MyMaths which will really help you visualise and understand the tasks for this week. There are actually 5 individual lessons for you to have a go at. Always do the lesson part first and then complete the homework section. If you cannot remember your individual login, you can access the homework through the practise button.
MyMaths – Shape – Measures – Time activities (numbered with a 3)
Once you have completed these activities, it would be great if you could make a Time poster, like we would for the working wall, to show what you have remembered.
Week beginning 15.06.20
This week in maths we are back round to fractions once again. You will be refreshing your knowledge of fractions from things we have done previously as well as being introduced to something completely new – decimals! We will be focusing on counting, using and finding tenths of quantities, numbers and shapes. Remember, a tenth is when something has been divided by 10 so that there are 10 equal parts. As a fraction, one tenth is written 1/10 and as a number it is written as 0.1.
Here are some activities to keep you busy this week:
Week beginning 08.06.20
For maths this week, we will be revisiting addition and subtraction once again. I have put together some resources to test out your calculation skills when solving two-step word problems.
Things to remember when solving word problems:
- Read the question carefully (highlight any important words/ numbers)
- Make sure you understand what it’s asking you to do
- Choose the correct method
- Solve the problem by carrying out the calculation
- Answer the question
- Double check your answer
addition and subtraction challenge cards
Two step addition and subtraction problems
Week beginning 01.06.20
This week in maths, we are going to be looking at statistics, which if you remember involving studying tables and graphs and gathering and presenting information. The first task I would like you to have a go at is data collection. For this you are to gather a set of discrete data (something that can be counted and grouped) and present it in a table. Then I would like you to have a go at transferring that data onto either a bar graph or a pictogram. Examples of data collection could be:
- Colour of cars on a walk
- Number of people you pass in certain locations on a walk
- Favourite foods/ pets/ sports etc. of people you know
Here are some extra activities for you to have a go at too if you get chance:
Week beginning 18.05.20
In order to practise your addition and subtraction skills further, this week week I would like you to apply them to solving problems involving measures and perimeter. Here are some resources to help you:
Schofield and Sims
18.05.20 MATHS Green – Section 3 – Tests 5 – 8 (questions and answers)
18.05.20 MATHS Blue – Section 3 – Tests 5 – 8 (questions and answers)
18.05.20 MATHS Brown – Section 3 – Tests 5 – 8 (questions and answers)
Week beginning 11.05.20
This week, I would like you to continue with looking at money. The focus will be adding and subtracting amounts of money. You will be using and applying your knowledge of addition and subtraction using the written methods you already know.
Week beginning 04.05.20
Schofield and Sims – Section 3
Green – Book 1 – questions and answers
Over the next couple of weeks we will be focusing on money. To begin with, this week, we will be learning how to convert pounds to pence. It is a good idea to be practical with your money and use actual coins to count and ‘play’ with. The main thing to remember is that there is 100p in £1. Here are some things for you to have a go at this week:
- Discussion Problems Pounds and Pence
- Pounds and Pence Homework Task
- My Maths – Number – Money and Finance – Using Coins (2)
- Empty piggy banks and see if you can count up the total in pounds and pence
Week beginning 27.04.20
This week we will be investigating right angles. A right angle is where two straight lines meet at 90° such as in the corner of a window or door. Last week, we were learning about quarter turns. A right angle is the equivalent of a quarter turn, two right angles a half turn and three right angles three quarters of a turn. Here are some ideas to help you with your learning this week:
- Angle-Eater – Investigate right angles around your home
- Discussion Problems
- Right Angle homework task
- My Maths – If you log in using the school UN and PW (the children know this first stage) Shape – Angles – Angles 1
Week beginning 20.04.20
This week we will be focusing on angles in terms of turns. You will be learning how to turn 1 quarter, 1 half and 3 quarters. Here are some practical ideas to help you explore:
- Topmarks – Turning Man
- Using a clock face to turn through the quarters (15 mins, 30 mins, 45 mins) Explore clockwise and anti-clockwise turns. You could create some questions for someone else to answer e.g. ‘It is 1 o’clock, what time will it be in 3 quarters of an hour?’ ‘It is half past 5, what time was it a quarter of an hour ago?’
- Use the points of a compass to use directional turns (North, South, East, West)
- Blindfold games – direct someone around a simple track using positional and directional language, focusing on quarter turns clockwise and anti-clockwise
I would really love to see how imaginative you can be so please keep in touch on Class Dojo 🙂
Week beginning 30.03.20
I have attached a maths pack for you to dip into which is full of activities and resources to help you with your fraction work. It begins with halves and quarters and then moves on to making a whole.
Top Tips:
- The top number of a fraction is the numerator and the bottom, the denominator
- The larger the denominator – the smaller the fraction. So, 1/2 is a larger fraction than 1/8
- The denominator is how many equal parts are in the whole and the numerator represents how many parts are being considered
- Equivalent fractions are fractions which represent the same amount or size but they have different numerators and denominators e.g. 2/4 is equivalent to 4/8
- Use practical resources to help you visualise equivalent fractions – see if you can remember how to make a fraction wall too!
26.03.20 MATHS Comparing Unit Fractions
We are moving on to fractions work in maths next week. Just to get you started, here is a fractions presentation to recap some of the things we learned in our last fractions unit.
26.03.20 MATHS Comparing Fractions Home Learning Task
Here are some maths tasks for you to have a go at with ordering and comparing fractions. Using real life things to help you visualise fractions is always the best – remember Mrs Ruddy’s chocolate bars!!
Schofield and Sims – Weekly maths resources
We have included weeks 10, 11, 12 and end of unit worksheet which follows on from where we were up to in school. Children are to continue with the same book / colour they were working on in class. We complete 1 of these sheets a week in school, children are welcome to try the next level book if they are feeling confident with their work.
ANSWERS S&S book1 GREEN – answers
ANSWERS S&S book2 BLUE – answers
ANSWERS S&S book3 BROWN – answers
Your science challenge this week is to investigate how shadows change during the day. Luckily, I think we will be getting some sunny days again in the next few days so you should be able to explore! What I would like you to do is investigate shadows around your home, so in your garden, on the street outside etc. Here is one way in which you can do this:
- Set up a shadow stick in your garden (if possible). This could be a cane, spade or something tall stood in a plant pot or the ground.
- In the morning, with chalk, draw around the shadow that has been cast and label it with the time.
- Do this at various points throughout the day, remembering to label the time on each shadow you draw.
- By the end of the day, what has happened? What can you tell me about your shadow? Consider the direction and length of your shadow and the position of the sun.
The enquiry skill involved in this investigation is ‘Observation over time’ . I would like you to choose your own method of recording, this could be a flow-chart, comic strip, photographs, PowerPoint etc. Have fun exploring and fingers crossed for a sunny day!!!
This week in science you are going to be investigating how shadows behave. Shadows can change for a number of reasons and you are going to find out what some of these reasons are. The first task sheet is for you to plan and carry out your investigation and the second sheet is to help you gather a set of results. On both sheets there are different levels of difficulty, please choose the one that you feel is right for you.
Activity Sheet Comic Strip Planner
Activity Sheet Results and Patterns
Your science task this week is to investigate what shadows are and how they are formed. We notice shadows when light has been blocked. I would like you to get your creative hats on and use the art of shadow to design and make a shadow puppet theatre.
Before you do this, there are three words which we use often when describing light that I would like you to find the meanings of. These are: opaque, transparent and translucent.
Have fun with your shadow puppets – I cannot wait to see your designs!!!
I hope you enjoyed investigating light sources last week, I know that some of you had even managed to download the Lux app to measure light intensity so well done!
This week, your learning objective is to explore the sun as a light source and investigate the difference between night and day. I have two tasks for you in order to do this:
- Create a fact file about the sun – find as many interesting and fascinating things about the sun as you can. Also think about how we can stay safe in the sun!
- Explore why we have day and night and find the differences between the two (you might want to think about what day and night look like, what we can see in the day and the night etc…)
Our new topic in science for this half term is Light and Shadow. There will be loads of opportunities for you to carry out investigations at home and hopefully if the weather remains nice and sunny, it will be perfect to investigate shadows!
This week, your learning objective is to understand that we need light in order to see things. This may sound really simple and of course you already know this, but some things that display light don’t actually create the light themselves.
Your task for this week is:
- Find as many sources of light as you can either in or around your home (or any others in which you know) and make a record of them.
- Put them in order from the brightest light source to the dimmest based on your prediction.
- Think of a way in which you could test your prediction so see if you were right.
I have been doing some investigating myself and have found that there are a range of different apps in which you can download to measure light intensity. So, if you would like to get really scientific with your learning this week, you could use an app to accurately test your prediction. Light is measured in Lux and one FREE app with very good reviews is from Google play and it is the ‘Lux Light Meter’.
I am missing our science so much Year 3 – happy investigating!!!
This week’s tasks based on seed dispersal:
This half term we will be continuing with our plants topic. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be looking at how new seeds in the ovaries of plants actually create new fruits. To get you started I would like you to have a look at the first task, which is to sequence the life cycle of a plant – some of the scientific words you will already know but others you will need to find out.
The Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant
‘Explorify’ is a great site I use at school, it is designed for teachers but I have just been on and there is a section for parents and home learning. There are some lovely plant ideas on there!
Hope you enjoy this little bit of science with my two very special helpers!
Y3 Flow knowledge organiser_compressed
Y3 Scrumdiddlyumptious fun facts_compressed