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Year 1 Class Page

Welcome to Year 1, the first year of Key Stage 1! There are so many exciting things to learn about in Year 1 with Miss Palmer and Mrs Tumelty. Imagine getting the chance to learn about dinosaurs, castles and the seaside, as well as all sorts of fascinating Maths, English and Science! You’ll get the chance to do all of that and more in Year 1!

Check back here for updates about what we are getting up to!

Our Learning

Year 1 worked so hard to create a Chinese dragon and perform a dragon dance!

Our Class Charity: Cash for Kids

Our School Trip: Flamingo Land

Summer 1: Our new topic is The River Leven!

Phonics: Watch the videos below to help your child pronounce the sounds at home.

Spring 2: Our new topic is Dinosaurs!

Year 1 Home Learning

Week Beginning Monday 28th March


In Phonics this week we will be focusing on Phase 5 sounds:

  • Revisiting previously learnt sounds, decodable words and tricky words
  • Teach alternative sounds:
  • Monday: or making ur (word / worth)
  • Tuesday: oul making u (could / would)
  • Wednesday: are making air (share)
  • Thursday: au aur oor making or (haunt dinosaur door)
  • Review the sounds


Can you write simple sentence about the island the dinosaurs live on. Make sure you include the five senses.


Week Beginning Monday 21st March


In Phonics this week we will be focusing on Phase 5 sounds:

  • Revisiting previously learnt sounds, decodable words and tricky words
  • Teach alternative sounds:
  • Monday: ui (fruit)
  • Tuesday: Review ea e e-e ie y
  • Wednesday: Review le se ve
  • Thursday: Review ow oe ou o-e o oa

Week Beginning Monday 14th March


In Phonics this week we will be focusing on Phase 5 sounds:

  • Revisiting previously learnt sounds, decodable words and tricky words
  • Teach alternative sounds:
  • Monday: le (bubble)
  • Tuesday: c (ice) / ve (give)
  • Wednesday: u (brother) / se (cheese)
  • Thursday: se (mouse) and ce (fence) / ey (donkey)


This week in English we are focusing on the book ‘Tom and the Island of Dinosaurs’. If you would like to listen to the story watch the video below. Read the passage from the story below the video and answer the following questions using full sentences. Remember to pick out the exact information.

Vocabulary: Have a look at pictures from the island. Can you think of adjectives to describe each picture?

Can you put your adjectives into sentences?

Volcano Facts | Volcanoes for Kids | DK Find Out
File:NZ Southern Island forest.jpg - Wikimedia Commons


This week we are looking at weight and mass. We will be measuring the weight of objects using scales.

Choose a worksheet. 1 star = easier, 2 star= medium, 3 star= harder.

Week Beginning Monday 28th February


In Phonics this week we will be reviewing Phase 5 sounds:

  • Revisiting previously learnt sounds, decodable words and tricky words
  • Teach alternative sounds: /igh i i-e ie / /ai a a-e ay / /o o-e oa/ /ee ea ie e e-e/ ew u ue u-e/
  • Practise reading words with our new sounds
  • Practise segmenting for spelling
  • Practise reading sentences


This week we are beginning to look at newspaper reports. Something has happened in our classroom. Can you investigate for lesson one and predict what has happened?


This week we will be comparing lengths and heights. We will be using non-standard units such as cubes to measure.

Spring 1: Our new topic is Chinese New Year!

Year 1 Home Learning

Week Beginning Monday 14th February


In Phonics this week we will be revisiting Phase 5 sounds:

  • Revisiting previously learnt sounds, decodable words and tricky words
  • Teach alternative sounds: /e-e/ /ew (oo or y(oo)/ /ie (ee)/ /aw/ Review all 4 sounds on a Friday
  • Practise reading words with our new sounds
  • Practise segmenting for spelling
  • Practise reading sentences


Create your own Chinese New Year Poem.


This week we are counting in 2s and 5s.

Week Beginning Monday 7th February


Please watch the videos below to help support your child with phonics at home.

In Phonics this week we will be revisiting Phase 5 sounds:

  • Revisiting previously learnt sounds, decodable words and tricky words
  • Teach alternative sounds: /a-e/ /i-e/ /o-e/ /u-e/ Review all 4 sounds on a Friday
  • Practise reading words with our new sounds
  • Practise segmenting for spelling
  • Practise reading sentences

English: Instruction writing

This week we are planning and writing our instructions about how to make a Chinese lantern. We have made amazing lanterns in class!

Plan your set of instructions by choosing a time adverbial and verb for each picture.

Write your instructions on how to make a Chinese lantern. You could write your own set of instructions to make something different.

Maths: Numbers to 50

Week Beginning Monday 31st January


Please watch the videos below to help support your child with phonics at home.

In Phonics this week we will be revisiting Phase 5 sounds:

  • Revisiting previously learnt sounds, decodable words and tricky words
  • Teach alternative sounds: /o (oa)/ /i (igh)/ /a (ai)/ /e (ee)/ Review all 4 sounds on a Friday
  • Practise reading words with our new sounds
  • Practise segmenting for spelling
  • Practise reading sentences

English: Instruction writing

Wednesday- Time Adverbials

Thursday- Verbs (Watch the verbs sections)

Maths: Place Value to 50

Week Beginning Monday 24th January


Please watch the videos below to help support your child with phonics at home.

In Phonics this week we will be revisiting Phase 5 sounds:

  • Revisiting previously learnt sounds, decodable words and tricky words
  • Teach: /ir/ /ie/ /ue/ /u y(oo)/ Review all 4 sounds on a Friday
  • Practise reading words with our new sounds
  • Practise segmenting for spelling
  • Practise reading sentences


On Monday we are looking at adding ‘s’ or ‘es’ to nouns linked to Chinese New Year. Watch the first part of this video linked to nouns. What is a noun? A noun can be singular (on it’s own) or plural (more than one).

To change a singular noun (cat) into a plural noun (cats) we add ‘s’. However, if a singular noun ends in ‘s’, ‘ss’, ‘sh’, ‘ch’, ‘x’, or ‘z’ need an ‘es’ at the end to become plural. 

Task: Can you change the following singular nouns into plural nouns by adding ‘s’ or ‘es’?

dragon chopstick noodle coin lantern card bus fox dish brush watch glass dress

Tuesday and Wednesday: Non-Chronological Report: Choose 3 questions you would like to research for Chinese New Year.

Here are some ideas. Write down 2-3 facts for each question to plan your report.

What is Chinese New Year? When is Chinese New Year? Why is Chinese New Year celebrated?

How do people prepare for Chinese New Year? How do people decorate their homes?

Why do people give red envelopes as gifts? Why is the colour red important? What food do people eat?

What do people eat? What gifts do people receive? What happens on the final day?

Writing your report:

Use the template below to help you turn your facts into a report.


At the start of the week we are focusing on subtraction within 20.

Week Beginning Monday 17th January


Please watch the videos below to help support your child with phonics at home.

In Phonics this week we will be revisiting target Phase 3 sounds:

  • Revisiting previously learnt sounds, decodable words and tricky words
  • Teach: /oo (u)/ /ar/ /or/ /ear/ /air/
  • Practise reading words with our new sounds
  • Practise segmenting for spelling
  • Practise reading sentences


In English we will be finding out how people celebrate Chinese New Year. Watch the video below, read the text and answer the following comprehension questions using full sentences. Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Can you spot the features of a non-chronological report?

Can you use a capital letter for names of people, places and days of the week? Write the sentences and add the capital letter in the correct place.

The new year is celebrated in china.

 It is celebrated in january.

The beast nian was called nian.

The festival is called chinese new year.

Write the sentences and add a question mark or full stop to the sentences below.

Red envelopes have money inside

How do people celebrate Chinese New Year

People sweep and dust the old year away

Why is the colour red important


On Monday we are comparing numbers to 20. For the rest of the week we will be moving onto Addition within 20.

Autumn 2:Animal Habitats Topic

Phonics (Phase 5: Alternatives for Reading)

Week 9 (wb 6.12.21)

Week 8: (wb 29.11.21)

Week 7: (wb 22.11.21)

Phonics (Phase 5)

Week 6: (wb 15.11.21)

Week 5: (wb 8.11.21)

Week 4: (wb 1.11.21)

Week 3: (wb 18.10.21)

Week 2: (wb 11.10.21)

Week 1: (wb 4.10.21)

Autumn 2Animal Habitats

(Week 6 – 5.12.21)


This week in English we are focusing on adjectives building up to a character description about the tiger in the story.

Monday and Tuesday: We are writing adjectives on the outside of the tiger to describe his appearance and the movement of tigers. On the inside, we are writing adjectives to describe the tigers personality from the way he acts in the story.


In Maths this week we are still focusing on numbers from 0-20.

Monday and Tuesday: We are partitioning numbers from 11-20 into tens and ones.

Wednesday and Thursday: We are looking at one more and one less using numbers from 11-20. Choose your worksheets: 1 star- Easier, 2 stars- medium, 3 stars-harder

(Week 5- 29.11.21)


This week in English we are reading ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’.

Monday 29thChoose a set of questions to answer

Tuesday 30thCreate your own storyboard

Wednesday 1st – Prefix ‘un’: Add ‘un’ to the words in the word bank and then fill in the gaps in the sentences


Monday 29th: Write your numbers from 0-20 in numbers and words.

Tuesday and Wednesday 30th: Representing numbers – Choose your worksheets: 1 star- Easier, 2 stars- medium, 3 stars-harder

(Week 4- 22.11.21)


Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd- Planning our Non-Chronological Report: Choose 2 or 3 questions you would like to research about an elephant, cheetah or a lion as your subheadings. Choose a title for your report. Fill in the planning sheet with 2 or 3 facts underneath each subheading. You could research on the internet or use the fact sheets below.

Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25thWriting our Non Chronological Report: Write your facts into full sentences using sentences starters and the writing frame below to help you. Draw a picture of your animal and you could draw a picture of where the animal lives or what it eats in the other box. Remember to include some adjectives to describe your animal. You could even print your own photos to add!


Last week and this week we have worked on shape. The lessons are below. For the worksheets one star is the easiest, two stars are medium and three stars are the hardest for a challenge.

(Week 3 – 15.11.21)


This week in English, we are writing our own questions about animals the children would like to research. We will be looking at wild animals including lions, cheetahs and elephants. We will research facts about where they live and describe their habitats. We are continuing to plan our non-chronological report.


This week in Maths, we are focusing on Shape. We are looking at recognising and naming 2D shapes as well as sorting shapes based on simple properties. We will also look at recognising and naming 3D shapes. The children will embark on shape hunt around the playground and identify different shapes within our environment.


This week in Science, the children have been identifying and comparing UK birds and reptiles. They will learn characteristics associated with the animal groups.

(Week 2 – 8.11.21)


In English we are identifying the features of a non-chronological report about tigers. The children will be beginning to use question marks in their writing. This will lead to the children researching about their favourite animals, planning their own questions and writing a report.


In Maths this week we are focusing on counting backwards using a number line within 10. We are also learning about how to find the difference using cube towers and writing subtraction fact families.


The children will be identifying and naming a variety of common UK mammals.


In Geography the children will be locating the continents of Europe and Africa on a world map. They will identify which continent they come from. The children will also be studying some countries within Africa and locating them on a map.

(Week 1 – 1.11.21)


In English we are writing a recount about our trip to Flamingo Land. We are focusing on parts of a sentence, time adverbials, adjectives and beginning to use an exclamation mark.


In Maths we are focusing on subtraction within 10. The children are learning about how to write a subtraction number sentence and understand that subtraction calculations cannot be done in any order, unlike addition.


In Science the children are learning to name and identify different pets based on characteristics.

Autumn 1Great Fire of London: Firefighter Visit


This term we have focused on retelling traditional stories, how to write a sensory poem and a diary entry about the Great Fire of London. We have looked at time adverbials, parts of a sentence, adjectives and how to join our sentences using ‘and’.


In Maths we have covered the following objectives.

Number and Place Value

Place Value (within 10)

Sorting, counting and recognising numbers using objects and practical resources. Counting forwards and backwards within 10. Sorting, comparing and ordering numbers within 10 using the language of greater than, less than and equal to. Ordinal numbers, one more and one less and the use of a basic number line.

Addition and Subtraction (within 10)

The children will become familiar with part whole models and tens frames. Addition and subtraction symbols, number bonds to 10 and addition and subtraction fact families.


In Science we have focused on the four seasons. We have described the weather and how the seasons can affect humans and animals. We have adventured on an Autumn walk to spot the signs of the season.


This term we have focused on London in the past and present linked to the Great Fire of London. We have studied housing conditions and what materials the houses were made from. We have sequenced the events of the Great Fire and acted out the story. The children have designed Tudor houses and made fire collages using tissue paper. The children have located London on a map and identified the characteristics of the four countries of the UK.

Sports England
Osted Good
ICT Mark
Healthy Schools
Active Mark
Arts Council
The FA

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