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Year 3 Archive

Autumn Term

WB – 7th December


This week we are going to catch up on some fractions work. Last year we looked at halves, quarters and thirds but didn’t get much further in class due to the dreaded lockdown!

We are going to use this time to recap some of the things we have missed by looking at unit fractions and non-unit fractions.

A unit fraction is a fraction where the numerator is 1 and the denominator is a whole number. It represents one shaded part of all the equal parts of the whole. In general, a fraction’s denominator tells us how many parts we are breaking the fraction’s numerator into.

non-unit fraction is a fraction where the numerator is greater than 1. For example, 3/4 is a non-unit fraction, because three is the numerator.

You can use these resources to help you consolidate the learning we are doing in the classroom.

If you are finding those really easy, why not have a go at the mastery challenges!


We are finally writing our own story and we are so excited! This is where we can use everything we have learnt over the past term, putting it into practice by creating our own version of Miss Clark’s favourite film, ‘Brave’

We have planned our story using the plot of the best film in the world and will be drafting and writing in sections!

We are going to try to include speech in our stories. So you could practice punctuating direct speech at home.

If you’re wanting to have a go at writing some direct speech yourself you could use the bbc bitesize website to keep you right!



This week we are looking at the spaces between each letter, making sure we don’t squeeze our letters together!

Use these resources to practise at home 🙂


In class we have started reading ‘The Magicians Nephew’ by C.S.Lewis. This is one of my favourite books and the children are absolutely loving it!

Please continue reading each day; this could be your school reading book, reading plus or a book you have at home! Don’t forget to get an adult to ask you questions based on what you have read!

WB – 30th November


Over the next few weeks we will be looking at telling the time. This can be a funny area of maths for some children so we have done lots of practical activities to make sure that our understanding the different parts of a clock is secure.

We have recapped looking at o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to and telling the time in five minute intervals. You can use the resources below to consolidate what we have done.

This we we are starting to look at minutes past and to the hour. This get’s even tricker as we have to be incredibly accurate when we’re reading the minute hand to make sure we’re reading minutes correctly.

Thankfully our friend Amber has made a video to help us to understand this concept.

You can use the resources below to help you practice telling the time to the nearest minute.


In the run up to Christmas we are going to put all that we have learn into practice and create our own story.

We have thought about the features of a good story and discussed our favourite books and what makes them so good.


This week for handwriting I want you to continue to practise your letter formation. Lots of the problems we see in class with handwriting are because children aren’t forming their letters properly, so when we come to joining it’s really tricky because we aren’t starting in the right place.

You could use the handwriting lined sheet below to practise your spelling words – make sure you form those letters correctly.

difficult famous extreme guide heart history minute natural believe question


Please continue to use reading plus to build your child’s fluency and comprehension skills!

WB – 13th November


This week we are looking at the 8 times tables, so lots of practising counting in 8s at home will be super helpful.

You can use the following resources to help you consolidate what we have been doing in class.


This week we are writing our own instructions on how to make a bronze axe. Unfortunately we cannot have a go at making one ourselves in school due to serious health and safety risks (much to the children’s disappointment) but we did have a go at following instructions to make a paper spear.

You could have another go at creating your own spear at home and think about the features of good instructions while you do it.

Here is a video to help you order the process of making a bronze axe. We are using this to help us write our instructions.


This week for handwriting I want you to practise your letter formation. Lots of the problems we see in class with handwriting are because children aren’t forming their letters properly, so when we come to joining it’s really tricky because we aren’t starting in the right place.

You could use the handwriting lined sheet below to practise your spelling words – make sure you form those letters correctly.

main mane meet meat peace piece saw sore blue blew


Please continue to use reading plus to build your child’s fluency and comprehension skills!

WB – 9th November

Homework – Spelling test will be on Friday


Over the next few weeks we are looking at Multiplication and Division.

In Y3 our targets are to recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables. Practicing counting in 3s, 4s and 8s is really important for this!

You could use these videos to engage your child with practicing counting – if you want to subject yourself to having the songs in your head all week!!

Last week we did the 3 times table and this week we are doing the 4s.

Use the resources below to help you consolidate your learning at home.


In our topic we are learning all about how the Neolithic time period brought lots of changes for the people of the Stone Age – the biggest one was that they started to settle down and build houses because they were farming!

So, naturally, we are going to be building our own Stone Age home and writing an advert to try and sell it!

We have looked at the different persuasive writing techniques using the acronym AFOREST

A – alliteration

F – Facts

O – Opinions

R – Rhetorical Questions

E – Emotive Language

S – Statistics

T – The Power of Three

We are using what we know about Neolithic homes and particularly those found at Skara Brae to write compelling advertisements.


We are now practicing forming the letter s correctly (It can get a bit tricky when we start joining)

Use these resources to help you practice at home!


Please continue to use reading plus to build your child’s fluency and comprehension skills!

We change reading books every Friday 🙂

WB – 19th October

Homework – Spelling test will be on Friday

We decided as a class to practice words we are going to be using in our non-chronological reports this week so don’t be alarmed if some of them seem tricky!


This week we are going to be using the column method for subtraction! The children absolutely smashed addition last week so I am expecting great things this week!

You can use these resources to help you to practice at home.


This week we are drafting and writing our non-chronological reports.

We are thinking a lot about how we can make our sentences more interesting using different sentence openers, adverbial phrases and expanded noun phrases. This is an opportunity for the children to use all the things we have been learning about!


We are now practicing joining to and from the letter ‘y’. Use these resources to help you practice at home!


Please continue to use reading plus to build your child’s fluency and comprehension skills!

We change reading books every Friday 🙂

WB – 12th October

Homework – Spelling Test on Friday


In class we have been working on the written method for addition! An absolute favourite of mine! We have been using column addition to add two three digit numbers and the children have absolutely smashed it!

You could use the worksheets below to practice using this method.


Currently, we are working towards writing non-chronological reports about Stone Age animals!

We have planned and researched and next week we will be drafting and writing our reports!

You could do some research at home to make your report even more interesting for your reader!

Have a look at my example below for inspiration!


We are now practicing joining to and from the letter ‘l’. Use these resources to help you practice at home!


Please continue to use reading plus to build your child’s fluency and comprehension skills!

We change reading books every Friday 🙂

WB – 5th October

Homework – Spelling Test on Friday


We have now moved into addition and subtraction! The children are doing fantastically and working really hard in class!

If you want extra practice you can use these sheets at home to consolidate your learning!


A Day in the Life of a Stone Age Child

This week we are going to be writing a diary entry from the point of view of the Stone Age Boy! We have learnt lots of things about daily life in the Stone Age and are going to put that to good use when we come to writing all about our adventures!

If you need some inspiration why not watch this video to give you some ideas of what happens day to day in the Stone Age.

You could have a go at writing some sentences using adverbial phrases (our new favourite thing in Year 3) and put them on a postcard!


This week we are practicing a diagonal join to a tall letter. Use these sheets to help you practice at home.


Please continue to use reading plus to build your child’s fluency and comprehension skills!

We change reading books every Friday 🙂

WB – 28th September

Homework – Spelling Test on Friday


We are continuing our work on place value this week. This is an essential part of our maths work as it sets us up for working with numbers as we move into addition and subtraction.


This week we are practicing a diagonal join to a small letter. Use these sheets to help you practice at home.

WB – 21st September

This week we are starting our topic and getting stuck back into all of our favourite subjects!

Homework – Spelling Test on Friday


This week we are practicing form ascenders correctly! Use these sheets to help you at home!


This week in Maths we are starting to look at place value.


This week we are starting our journey to the past and are reading the book ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura.

We will be making predictions, answering questions based on what we’ve read and eventually writing our own setting description from the point of view of the main character.

WB – 14th September

Our focus this week is on baseline assessments. We will be completing lots of different tests to ensure that we know what gaps need filling in your learning!

Homework – Spelling Test on Friday


This week we are practising forming descenders properly. Use these sheets to help you at home!


We are keeping up with our basic skills this week to help us with our tests. Feel free to use these sheets to help you practice your maths skills! You can also head over to TTRockstars and practice your times tables and improve your accuracy! (If you can’t remember your login, just message me on ClassDojo and I’ll get it for you!)


Even though we’re doing lots of baseline assessments, we are also continuing to read Oliver Jeffers’ book ‘Here We Are’; a beautifully illustrated guide to living on planet earth!

We have created pictures of our favourite place on planet earth and have written a free verse poem describing it using all of our senses. This week we will be writing our own notes of advice for living on planet earth!

If you don’t have the book at home, here is a video for you to watch!

Have a lovely week!

Sports England
Osted Good
ICT Mark
Healthy Schools
Active Mark
Arts Council
The FA

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