Year 2 Class Page
What a year you will have in Year 2! Guided by Miss Templeman, you will learn all about castles, the plague and the 7 Wonders of the World! How exciting! Your Phonics journey will continue and you will get even better at Maths and Science, before graduating from Key Stage 1! Your Primary School journey is well underway as your prepare to jump into Key Stage 2! Check back here for updates about what we are getting up to!
Our Learning
World Book Day 2022
Children’s Mental Health Week 2022 – Dress to Express Yourself Day!
Children in Need 2021
Alnwick Castle Trip 2021
Y2 Class Charity – Scoliosis Association UK
Summer Term – Week 3 (9.5.22)
Make sure to keep reading your reading books at home and practising your weekly spellings. You have been assigned homework on to practise your Maths skills. Don’t forget to use our online resources TTRockstars and ReadingPlus for more home learning fun! Please message me on Dojo if you need your usernames and passwords again.
SATs Practise Week
Here are lots of practise SATs materials for your child to try at home…
Summer Term – Week 2 (2.5.22)
Spellings: pass, past, path, people, plant, poor, pour, pretty, prove & price
This week, we will be finishing our newspaper reports about Captain Cook’s first voyage! Then, we will be having some SATs practise for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.
This week we will be revising addition of 3 one-digit numbers. Lots of practise SATs papers have been set on
Summer Term – Week 1 (25.4.22)
No spellings this week.
Our new topic is all about famous explorers like Captain Cook!
This week we will be learning about Captain Cook and his first voyage to see Venus crossing the Sun from Earth. Children will be writing their own Newspaper Report about Captain Cook’s first voyage! Take a look at this example and try to answer the following comprehension questions:
- Find and copy the author of the newspaper report.
- What is Captain Cook going to see?
- Find and copy two people who is travelling with Cook.
- What do people think of Captain Cook?
- Find and copy one word describing the journey.
- Predict what you think the journey will be like.
In Maths, we will be revisiting the inverse operation as well as the addition and subtraction of two 2-digit numbers using the column method.
Our new topic is all about famous explorers like Captain Cook! Can you make your own fact file about Captain James Cook? Here is some information to help you…
Spring Term – Week 6 (4.4.22)
Spellings: behind, both, break, busy, child, children, class, climb, clothes & could.
Hot Food by Michael Rosen
This week in English, we will be looking at some performance poetry by Michael Rosen. Focus on the sounds he makes to make his poem more realistic as well as his expression, volume and tone.
The children will be writing their own performance poetry, with a food of their choice. Children will be taking inspiration from Michael Rosen’s performance poetry, using his features of repetition and story-telling to create their own version.
This week, we will be ordering and comparing lengths using the following symbols: < > and =
Remember… < means less than. 12 is less than 15. So… 12 < 15
Remember… > means greater than. 100 is greater than 10. So… 100 > 10.
Finally, = means equal (the same as). 50 is equal to 50. So… 50 = 50.
Place the correct symbols in the boxes below.
As we will be breaking up for the Easter Holidays on Friday, the children will be learning about the Easter story in RE this week. Create a story board about the Christian Story of Easter. Here is a video to help you below.
Spring Term – Week 5 (28.3.22)
This week’s spellings are based on the common errors from our Y2 termly assessment.
Spellings: talk, city, Mrs, glove, above, happily, hasn’t, station, always, carries
This week, we are making our own smoothies and writing our own set of instructions!
Can you write your own set of instructions using this video? Remember to include:
- Imperative verbs (bossy bossy bossy! E.g place, put, chop,)
- Adverbs (describing the action word e.g. carefully, slowly, gently)
- Time adverbials (Firstly, Secondly, After that, Next)
- Punctuation in your sentences (using commas to separate items in a list)
This week, we are focusing on measurement and length. Using a ruler in centimetres (cm), can you measure…
- Your foot
- Your hand
- Your finger
- Your fingernail
Can you order your measurements from smallest to largest? What about largest to smallest?
Would we be able to measure our height using a ruler? What could we use instead?
This week in Science, we have been watching our cress grow from a seed! Can you draw and write the stages of cress growing starting from a seed?
Spring Term – Week 4 (21.3.22)
This week, children will be having their termly assessments in Reading, Maths and Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling (GaPS).
Here are some different activities to try at home…
This week in Science, we are learning about germination (an organism growing from a seed)
We will be growing cress in the shapes of our hands! You could do the same! Why not try growing cress into the shape of your name?
You could create a poster all about germination.
What does germination mean? What do seeds need to grow? Draw lots of fabulous pictures!
IT (Using IT safely)
Can you find a piece of technology in your home? Can you create a list of things you can do using this technology?
You could do this with an iPad. Here is the example below.
Can you create a list of rules to stay safe on this technology? Here are two examples below.
- On games, do not use your real name. Instead, use names such as ‘BrightStar123’
- Be kind to other people online.
This week we will be trying potato printing, creating artwork using potato shapes and paint! You could have a try using any spare items you have at home. It doesn’t have to be vegetables- it could be anything you like.
Spring Term – Week 3 (14.3.22)
Instruction Writing!
This week in English, we are going to be learning how to write a set of instructions.
Take a look at the set of instructions for ‘Fro-yo Ice Lollies’. Can you answer the following questions?
- What is the person making?
- Who has written these instructions?
- What punctuation is used in a list?
- In Step 1, how should the person mix the yogurt?
- What is the final step of the instructions?
- How are the ice lollies described?
- Write another word for ‘carefully’.
- What could be used instead of a yogurt pot?
This week, we will be spotting the important features of a set of instructions. For example, we will be looking for imperative (bossy) verbs such as mix, place, chop, blend, grate.
This week in Maths, children will be applying the fraction 3/4 to numbers, measurements and objects.
Remember to find 1/4 of a number first e.g. 1/4 of 20 = 5 because 20 shared by 4 is 5! What would 3/4 be?
Spring Term – Week 2 (7.3.22)
Last week, we focused on Zahra’s journey through the desert to water her precious tree.
Well done for writing some excellent plans!
This week, we will be editing our plans and drafting our setting descriptions for the journey of Zahra. Focus on the senses throughout your drafting and editing.
Don’t forget to use plenty of amazing adjectives and expanded noun phrases. For example, instead of saying ‘I walked through the desert.’ We could say, ‘As my burning feet walked through the dusty sand, the piercing sun hit my skin.’ What senses have I used?
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling (GaPS)
As we are writing our setting description, here is an activity to practise using the correct tenses.
Remember, the past tense is something that has already happened e.g. ‘I walked my dog.’
But, the present tense is something that is happening right now, in the present, such as ‘I am walking my dog.’
What do we do when we want to half (1/2) a number? What numbers can be halved? Are there any numbers that can not be halved?
This week in Maths, we are applying our knowledge of fractions and applying this to measurements.
We will be measuring in centimetres (cm) using our rulers. What can you measure at home using cm?
Once we have measured our classroom items in cm, we will be trying to half (1/2) the measurements.
This pencil measures roughly 10cm. Can we half this number?
1/2 of 10cm =
Measure your items at home using a ruler and try to half the measurements! List the items that can not be shared by 2.
Last week, we compared wheat farming in the UK compared to rice farming in China. Can you remember some of the similarities and differences from last week?
Remember, rice has to grow in water so the farmers flooded the fields to grow their crops!
This week, we will be using our map skills to label China and the UK on a world map. Can you label the surrounding oceans? What continents does the UK and China belong to?
Spring Term – Week 1 (28.2.22)
We are looking at stories from other cultures this week. Here is a video of a young girl called Zahra. Watch the video and answer the questions below in full sentences.
- Where do you think Zahra lives? Why?
- What is Zahra doing every day?
- Where does Zahra get her water?
- How do Zahra’s feelings change in the video?
- How is Zahra’s life different to ours?
- How do we know it is a happy ending?
This week, we are focusing on fractions! Children will be identifying the fractions 1/3, 1/2, 2/4, 1/4 and 3/4.
We will start by identifying 1/2 and halving numbers. Children will be writing simple fractions such as 1/2 of 6 = 3.
World Book Day – Thursday 3rd March 2022
This year’s theme is celebrating stories which are 25 years-old or older! Our class will be reading The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Suess this year. We will be making our very own top hats to look just like the Cat. We will be busting some dance moves with the Cat in the Hat and making some kites just like in the story!
Our new topic is ‘Naturally Nutritious’ which explores our food and where it comes from.
This week in Geography, we will be comparing food production in the UK to China.
Watch the videos below, can you explain what is similar and what is different?
Spring Term – Week 7 (14.2.22)
This week, we are going to recreate the ‘Jabberwocky’ poem by Lewis Carroll. Children are going to identify the features of a poem including: stanzas, personification, alliteration, punctuation at the end of lines, capital letters at the start of lines and titles.
Can you spot all of the features in this poem? Underline the features in the correct colour once you have spotted them!
Can you recreate the poem of the Jabberwocky? What do you think is happening in each stanza? Can you put it into your own words following the features of a poem? I can’t wait to see what you come up with!
This week, we are applying our knowledge of using arrays and repeated addition to answer reasoning and problem solving questions. Here are some fluency tasks to recap using arrays and repeated addition:
Spring Term – Week 6 (7.2.22)
It is Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week!
On Monday, we will be having a ‘Dress to Express’ day to begin Children’s Mental Health Week. Children will be dressing to express themselves, e.g. a football kit or their favourite colour. We will be having a whole school workout on the front playground!
This year, the theme is ‘Growing Together’. On Friday, we will be having a ‘Feel Good Friday’ where we will be off timetable. Instead, we will be building skills together such as gardening, team-building exercises, mindfulness yoga and arts and crafts.
We will be revisiting some GPCs (grapheme phoneme correspondence) this week. Please see the videos below!
Have you heard the tale of the Jabberwocky?
Children will be reading the poem of the Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll.
Children will be taking vocabulary from the poem and making predictions about the mysterious, chilling Jabberwocky.
Then, we will be performing Lewis Carroll’s poem of the Jabberwocky in small groups, each taking a separate stanza to perform. Children will be focusing on their actions, volume and tone of voice.
Please keep practising your 2, 5 and 10 times tables on TTRockstars!
Children will be identifying odd and even numbers, including identifying and making odd and even groups.
Spring Term – Week 5 (31.1.22)
Spellings: dance, thought, friend, laugh, awful, playful, share, square, bear, tear
We will be revisiting some GPCs (grapheme phoneme correspondence) this week. Please see the videos below!
In English this week, we are writing up our diary entries pretending to be John Cook in 1832.
Remember to include your key features:
Does it have a date?
Does it start with ‘Dear Diary,’?
It is in the past tense?
Does it have paragraphs?
Is it in chronological order?
Does it end with, ‘From John Cook’?
Remember to look at last week’s diary entry to help you!
Using the paint application on your device – Can you make your own image of the ‘Town Crier’ in Hutton Rudby?
In Science, we will be identifying the suitability of metal and plastic for a variety of purposes.
Spring Term – Week 4 (24.1.22)
Spellings: toe, shoulder, again, bubble, gentle, give, leave, ask, through & money
We will be revisiting some GPCs (grapheme phoneme correspondence) this week. Please see the videos below!
Well done for writing some outstanding newspaper reports about the cholera outbreak in Hutton Rudby last week!
This week, we will be pretending to be John Cook, the first cholera victim in 1832 in Hutton Rudby. We will be studying this text and answering questions.
What special features do you need to make a strong diary entry?
This week, we are continuing with addition and subtraction. We will be adding and subtracting two digit numbers by two digit numbers.
Can you partition these numbers into tens and ones?
Now try this…
36 + 12 =
Firstly, add the tens…
30 + 10 = 40
Then, add the ones…
6 + 2 = 8
Add the answers together…
40 + 8 = 48
So we know, 36 + 12 = 48
Who is John Snow? What did he discover? Does he have anything to do with cholera?
Research John Snow on your devices at home. Can you make a character profile about John Snow?
Spring Term – Week 3 (16.1.22)
Spellings: could, would, should, our, house, want, water, any, many & school.
We will be revisiting some GPCs (grapheme phoneme correspondence) this week. Please see the videos below!
/oo/ look
/ie/ shield
/y/ happy
/ea/ head
Last week in English, we identified the key features for a newspaper report (headline, byline, captions, pictures, introduction and paragraphs), planned our ideas and gathered fantastic research. This week, bringing all of these ideas together to write our own newspaper reports on the cholera outbreak in 1832 Hutton Rudby.
Can you think of your own gripping headline? What does a headline need to be like?
Write your introduction paragraph, remember to include: Who? What? When? Where? How?
Write your main paragraph:
How many people had died in Hutton Rudby?
Who was the first person to bring Cholera into Hutton Rudby? Where did he come from?
Are there any pictures you could link with this report? What would the caption be?
Here is an example newspaper report below…
We are leaving our Geometry topic and revisiting Addition and Subtraction. This week, children will be adding and subtraction 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers.
This week we will be looking at natural and man-made items. Some materials are found naturally and some materials have to be created by humans.
Spring Term – Week 2 (10.1.22)
Happy New Year everyone! It has been great having the children back at school on Thursday and Friday last week. We have an exciting half term planned as we are learning about Cholera in Hutton Rudby!
Spellings: move, improve, pretty, busy, parents, shoe, once, laugh, eye & hour.
In English this week, we will be looking at different newspaper reports and identifying the special ingredients needed to write a fantastic newspaper report. If you are at home, try to find some newspaper reports either online or in your home to read. I have attached an example below.
Can you answer these questions about the report?
What feature is found at the top of a newspaper? What feature is circled in red? Do the pictures relate to the title? What is the description under the pictures called? What does the first paragraph tell us?
This week we will be using our knowledge of these features to plan our own newspaper reports about the cholera outbreak in Hutton Rudby!
Continuing with our topic of Geometry, we will be studying 3D shapes.
Are there any items in your home which are shaped like these 3D shapes? Try to gather all of the cube, cuboid, cylinder and sphere items in your home. What do the shapes have in common? Do they stack? Do they roll?
The objectives for this week are:
L.O. I can identify the properties of 3D shapes (faces, vertices, edges)
L.O. I can identify 2D shapes on 3D shapes e.g. circles on a cylinder.
Take a look at some of these pictures from the Hutton Rudby Local and District History Society.
What has changed in Hutton Rudby? What is the same?
How is life different now compared to these images?
What do you think the people would be saying in each of these images?
Autumn 2 Term – Week 5 (6.12.21)
As we are approaching our Phonics Screening Assessment, children can be practising their Phase 5 sounds at home as well as reading their school book and shared book as much as possible. Support with how to sound out the Phase 5 sounds can be found in this video:
We are focusing on the different alternative phonemes in phonics.
Here are the alternative phonemes we are looking at this week:
/ar/ (father, rather, half, calf, almond, lip balm)
/air/ (there, where, nowhere, pear, bear, wear, bare, care, dare)
/or/ (all, always, talk, ball, four, court, taught, naughty)
/ur/ (learn, earn, earth, search, worse, word, work, worship)
/oo/ (put, pull, full, bush, bull, pudding, playful)
This week in English, we will be writing about Christ the Redeemer, one of the modern wonders of the world. We will be imagining that we are at the statue and we are writing home to tell our family about being in Rio de Janeiro. This week we will be drafting our letters to home. We will be following the structure of a letter including the addresses, recipient, introduction paragraph etc.
Our grammar learning objectives will be:
L.O. I can use the suffixes -full and -ness.
L.O. I can use apostrophes appropriately (e.g. the girl’s name).
This week we are moving onto Geometry. We will be starting by arranging combinations of mathematical objects in patterns and sequences e.g. biggest to smallest, most sides to least sides. Then, we will be identifying 2D and 3D shapes in the classroom. This will be followed by beginning to name the different 2D and 3D shapes including the simple lines of symmetry.
Additional Info:
Year 2 are getting very excited for Christmas! Our cheeky elf has been playing lots of tricks in Year 2 recently, we thought he was going to be a nice elf! We are having our Christmas KS1 on Monday 6th December with plenty of fun and prizes to be won!
In D&T, we will be designing and making Christmas crafts, including Christmas cards with levers and pulls to take home for our loved ones. In Music, Year 2 and the rest of KS1 are having a great amount of rehearsal time in preparation for our Nativity performance in Hutton Rudby Village Hall on the 15th and 16th of December.
Autumn 2 Term – Week 5 (29.11.21)
As we are approaching our Phonics Screening Assessment, children can be practising their Phase 5 sounds at home as well as reading their school book and shared book as much as possible. Support with how to sound out the Phase 5 sounds can be found in this video:
This week in English, we will be writing about Christ the Redeemer, one of the modern wonders of the world. We will be imagining that we are at the statue and we are writing home to tell our family about being in Rio de Janeiro. This week will be a planning week, involving a reading comprehension about the statue, identifying the features of a letter and gathering our facts about Christ the Redeemer using our excellent ICT skills.
The grammar and punctuation learning objectives for this week are as follows:
L.O. I can use the past and present tense correctly e.g. she is, she was.
L.O. I can create compound words (e.g. superman, Sunday).
This week, we are aiming to write and tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes on an analogue clock. We will be focusing on drawing the correct clock hands on an analogue clock to represent quarter past/to the hour, half past and o’clock.
Linking to our topic of the 7 Wonders, children will be thinking about their surrounding local area! What does a wonder look like to them? Are there any wonders in the area which they think are important? Are there any fascinating wonders in Hutton Rudby? Why is this wonder important to them?
For example, you could focus on Captain Cook’s monument in Great Ayton. This is a monument which was erected in memory of the famous circumnavigator who lived in Great Ayton as a young boy. This could be inspirational to the Year 2 pupils!
Autumn 2 Term – Week 4 (22.11.21)
As we are approaching our Phonics Screening Assessment, children can be practising their Phase 5 sounds at home as well as reading their school book and shared book as much as possible. Support with how to sound out the Phase 5 sounds can be found in this video:
This week in English, we are researching facts about one of our Modern Seven Wonders of the World, the Great Wall of China! After practising our persuasive language last week and reading about the Great Wall in our reading comprehension, we will now be using our ICT skills to research facts about the Great Wall and drafting our travel leaflets! Our aim is to persuade travellers to come to the Great Wall of China, including interesting facts, things to do and see and jaw-dropping pictures using our ICT skills.
The grammar and punctuation learning objectives for this week are as follows:
L.O. I can use the past and present tense correctly e.g. she is, she was.
L.O. I can use expanded noun phrases e.g. the strong wall.
After 3 excellent weeks of Multiplication and Division, we are leaving this topic behind and starting Time!
This week, we are focusing on how many seconds are in a minute, how many minutes are in one hour, how many hours are in a day, how many days are in a week, how many weeks in a month, how many months in a year! We will then move onto being able to tell and write the time to 5 minutes, including drawing on the correct clock hands for quarter past/to and half past.
Linking to our topic of the 7 Wonders, children will be studying the 7 continents on a world map. We will be labelling the seven continents on a world map. We love our continents song!
Autumn 2 Term – Week 3 (15.11.21)
As we are approaching our Phonics Screening Assessment, children can be practising their Phase 5 sounds at home as well as reading their school book and shared book as much as possible. Support with how to sound out the Phase 5 sounds can be found in this video:
This week in phonics, we are revisiting the following sounds based on the children’s half-term phonics assessment:
/u-e/ /a-e/ /oi/ /ar/ /ee/
Wow everyone! Well done for writing such excellent non-chronological reports about the Ancient 7 Wonders of the World. This week, we are studying the Modern Wonders of the World! Which wonder would you like to travel to? We are studying the features of a persuasive travel leaflet, travelling to the Great Wall of China! We will view real travel leaflets and identify the persuasive language used.
Focusing on multiplication and division, we are focusing on the following objectives: I can use arrays to solve problems in context and I can solve multistep problems e.g. Which is bigger? (5×3 or 7×2?)
Linking to our topic of the 7 Wonders, children will be studying the equator and the hot and cold areas on a world map.
Our questions: What is the equator? Where is the equator? Where are the hot and cold areas on our world map? Does this relate to the equator?
Can you shade in the hot and cold areas on a world map?
Autumn 2 Term – Week 2 (8.11.21)
As we are approaching our Phonics Screening Assessment, children can be practising their Phase 5 sounds at home as well as reading their school book and shared book as much as possible. Support with how to sound out the Phase 5 sounds can be found in this video:
This week in phonics, we are revisiting the following sounds based on the children’s half-term phonics assessment: /ea/ /ai/ /o-e/ /ew/ /ie/
In English, we are planning and drafting our non-chronological reports about the Ancient 7 Wonders of the World. We will be drafting our introductions and putting together our research using excellent vocabulary.
Here are the objectives we will be learning this week in Maths:
I can recall the 10 times table, writing the facts using the correct symbols appropriately (x, ÷ and =). I can solve multiplication and division problems using concrete representations. I can solve multiplication and division problems using arrays in contexts e.g. 15 ÷ 2 results in 7 and 1 remaining.
This week, continuing with our ‘Living Things and their Habitats’ topic, we are focusing on the learning objective: I can understand that living things need to live in suitable habitats.
You could focus on an animal, research their habitat and find reasons for why that habitat is suitable to that animal.
For example, focusing on polar bears – What is a polar bear’s habitat? Why is that suitable for a polar bear? Does the polar bear have any adaptations to that environment?
Autumn 2 Term – Week 1 (1.11.21)
This week in phonics, we are revisiting the following sounds based on the children’s half-term phonics assessment: /oi/ /ar/ /ee/ /aw/ /qu/
In English we are identifying the features of a non-chronological report about the Ancient Seven Wonders of the World. This will lead to Year 2 researching their own facts for their own reports about the Ancient Seven Wonders and starting to plan their own reports.
Here are the objectives we will be learning this week in Maths:
Recall 2, 5s & 10 times tables, write facts using the x, ÷ and = symbols, explaining how multiplication calculations can be done in any order but division calculations cannot.
In Geography, children will be using their map skills to label and identify the Ancient 7 Wonders on a world map. In ICT, children will be using search engines on school iPads to present information about the Ancient 7 Wonders.
Autumn 1 Term
This term in Phonics, we have revisited our Phase 5 sounds in preparation for our Phonics Screening Assessment:
Number and Place Value
Count in 2s, 3s, 5s from zero and in 10s from any number.
Recognise place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens and ones).
Identify, represent & estimate numbers using different representation e.g. number lines
Addition and Subtraction
Number bonds to 20, derive these rules up to 100.
Solve problems using a range of representations.
Two-digit numbers and ones.
Two-digit numbers and tens.
Measures – Money
Recognise symbols for pounds & pence, combine to make different amounts.
Incorporate simple addition and subtraction problems.
Understand different combination of coins can equal the same amount in total.
This term, we have focused on:
Labelling the parts of a castle, labelling the surrounding physical features of a castle e.g. hill, river etc, comparing similarities and differences from castles from the past and present, identifying and role-playing the roles in a medieval castle, studying aerial photographs of Alnwick Castle, observational drawings of Alnwick Castle, stamping (printing) castles with paint and sponges and making our own castles with a functioning drawbridge.