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Cultural Capital Passport

What is cultural capital? 

The essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said, and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement. Ofsted 2019 

At Hutton Rudby Primary School, we offer a lot more than academic excellence. We offer a wide range of activities and experiences for all of children, which assists in their journey to become lifelong learners. The development of Cultural Capital and enrichment through our wider curriculum, fosters children who are confident, creative, independent, healthy, reflective and resilient. These are lifelong skills which will form the cornerstone of their journey through life. 

Cultural Capital is a term developed and popularized by late-twentieth-century French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. Cultural Capital is an accumulation of education, knowledge, language, and behaviours – that are valued by society and once you know them, you can use them to advance your pathway to success and navigate the world around you. 

Cultural Capital is developed through four key areas: Character, Leadership, Skills and Culture. These four key areas are all intrinsically linked to a school vision C H I L D. 

In total there are 100 CHILD Cultural Capital tasks/activities to complete for a pupil throughout their time at Hutton Rudby Primary School. 

24 – Culture 

23 – Skills

13 – Character

12 – Leadership 

14 – Diversity

14 – Citizenship  

Children will be awarded the following in assembly upon completing various amounts of CHILD Cultural Capital Challenges in one school year

Thunberg Award  – 10 challenges completed 

Attenborough Award   – 15 challenges completed 

Malala Award   – 20 challenges completed 

Upon receipt of a CHILD Cultural Capital certificate, the child’s name/picture will go on the Cultural Capital Honours board in the School Hall. Any children that complete the full 100 CHILD Cultural Capital challenges across their school career will be inducted into the Hutton Rudby Primary School Culture Club, and will be displayed on the Cultural Capital Honours board. 

What is ‘Character’?  

Culture and Community – Lifelong Learners 

Character education is a learning process that enables children and adults in a school community to understand, care about and act on core ethical values such as: respect, justice, citizenship, and responsibility for self and others. Upon such core values, we form the attitudes and actions that are the hallmark of safe, healthy and informed communities that serve as the foundation of our society. 

Creating a sense of pride, belonging and identity in Hutton Rudby Primary School. 

  1. Showing excellent behaviours towards our peers, teachers and everyone in our community. 
  1. Demonstrating and promoting respect and kindness towards others exemplifying good manners and courtesy? 
  1. Showing resilience and confidence in the face of adversity. 
  1. Promoting the value of volunteering and service to others.  
  1. Making everyone feel valued and have a sense of belonging at Hutton Rudby Primary School.  

What is ‘Leadership’? 

Culture and Community – Lifelong Learners 

Every child at Hutton Rudby Primary School is a leader. Leaders have many characteristics such as: 

  • Trustworthy, responsible, respectful, and resilient. 
  • Great listener and communicator. 
  • Capable of finding solutions that work for everyone. 
  • Able to get along and work well with others. 
  • Has purpose, vision, and sets goals. 

Are people born with characteristics that make them leaders, or can leaders be made? 

Certainly, there are people who can be considered natural leaders because of their inherent characteristics. Mahatma Gandhi, Emily Pankhurst, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela and Jacinda Arden are examples. However, research in several fields—including emotional intelligence, social-emotional learning, and positive psychology shows that anyone, even young children, can learn and develop leadership qualities. At Hutton Rudby Primary School, it is our aim that every child is a leader. 

People can choose to be leaders, starting with self-leadership. How people lead their lives, their choices, the contributions they make, and the development of their character are at the heart of self-leadership. The same applies to the definition of student leaders and how they are created.  

What are ‘Skills’? 

Learning new skills is an important aspect of the growth of a child’s Cultural Capital. This could be something that really pushes the child out of their comfort zone and develops both their resilience and patience. It might just be taking up a new sport or learning how to sew or play a musical instrument, but learning something new and succeeding in it gives a sense of accomplishment and builds resilience. 

At Hutton Rudby Primary School the children can learn many new skills. As well as our broad enriched skill based curriculum, we offer a wide range of clubs both during and after school.  With the guidance of our school council and through regular feedback from our pupils we tailor our provision to what the children in school wish to learn, be it a new hobby, activity or even a new language they might want to master? The world is their, the children’s oyster. 

What is ‘Culture’? 

“Culture is the sum of all the forms of art, of love, and of thought, which, in the course of centuries, have enabled man to be less enslaved.” ~ Andre Malraux 

Culture is the invisible bond which ties people together. It refers to the pattern of human activity. The art, literature, language, and religion of a community represent its culture. Our cultural values and beliefs manifest themselves through our lifestyle. Our moral values represent our culture. The importance of culture lies in its close association with the ways of thinking and living.  

Thus, being cultured can open doors to deeper conversations, connections to others and often an appreciation of history and the rich experiences that make us human. At Hutton Rudby Primary School we are proud of the cultural opportunities and experiences we give our children. 

What is ‘Diversity’?

“Diversity: the art of thinking independently together. .Whenever people listen to one another humbly and openly, their shared values and aspirations become all the more apparent.” ~ Malcolm Forbes

Diversity is the practice or quality of including or involcing people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders and orientations. Different people living together harmoniously is key to a thriving and vibrant society.

Encouraging our children to embrace and learn about the differences in society is fundamental to helping them grow into well rounded people and pillars of society.

What is ‘Citizenship’?

“Citizenship captures the enduring idea that this [community] only works when we accept certain obligations to one another and to future generations” ~ Barack Obama

Citizenship involves people working together to make positive differences to the society in which they live – logically, nationally and globally. Encouraging, and teaching, our children to be good citizens will help them grow into key members of society. They will grow into people who contribute fully and entirely in every way that they can.

At Hutton Rudby Primary School, we are proud of the citizens that we produce.

Below is our Cultural Capital Challenge:

CHILD Cultural Capital Challenge 

Your challenge is to complete as many CHILD cultural capital challenges as you can. Can you become a CHILD Cultural Capital Champion? Remember, you must show your class teacher evidence that you have completed one of the challenges. Put the evidence in your Cultural Capital folder. Good Luck! 

Cultural Challenge Date  Skills Challenge Date  
Visit a museum and create a presentation to deliver to your class on what you found out.  Learn how to use a compass  
Attend a theatre performance, musical show, ballet or pantomime.  Learn a news sport or skill and demonstrate it to someone.  
Read a book recommended by a friend.  Learn to play a musical instrument.  
Read a book recommended by an adult.  Learn how to play chess.  
Read a play written by William Shakespeare.  Bake a cake or biscuits.  
Read one of the classics.  Learn all your times tables, squared and cubed numbers.  
Read a picture book.  Win an award or competition either inside or outside of school.  
Read books about other countries and their special cultures.  Complete a 100 skips in one minute.  
Choose a series that has  at least 3 books and read them all.  Learn how to say hello and introduce yourself using sign language.  
Read a biography or autobiography about a person you are interested in.  Learn to write with joined up handwriting.  
Read a non-fiction book and create a presentation to deliver to your class on what you have learnt.  Know all the phonics sounds.  
Attempt to learn / play a musical instrument  Know all of the times tables up to 12 x 12  
Eat in a restaurant with food from another part of the world.   Be able to tie your own shoe laces  
Make a craft or picture from another part of the world.   Act in a school play.  
Have your voice played over the airwaves on Leven Online Radio.  Learn and recite a poem off by heart.  
Start a collection (coins, stamps, key rings, rubbers?) the choice is yours!  Learn how to read a map.  
Visit a Capital City.  Learn how to touch type  
Visit the 4 places our school houses are named after – Rieviealux Abbey, Helmsley Castle, Bylands Abbey, Fountains Abbey.  Write a biography about one of the famous people on the famous persons timeline in the Year 2 classroom.  
Camp in a tent outdoors  Play at least 5 different board games with your family (not all at once or on the same night!)  
Have a picnic outside with family or friends  Make your own bed, wash up and help your parents/grandparents around the house for at least 7 consecutive days.  
Go stargazing  Build a den   
Dance in the rain  Fly a kite  
Hunt and find fossils and bones on the beach  Learn to make/cook a meal  
Research your family tree   
Leadership Challenge Date  Character Challenge Date  
Represent the school in a competition  Raise money for a charity.  
Plan and deliver part of an assembly.  Complete an act of kindness that has an impact on someone.  
Become a School prefect/House Captain/Head Boy or Girl.  Never give up until you succeed on a task or piece of work that you find incredibly difficult.  
Apply to be on School Council  Receive a CHILD certificate award in assembly.  
Become part of the School Eco team.  Receive a ‘perfect 5’ CHILD certificates, one for each letter of the school vision.  
Become a buddy.  Play a musical instrument/sing/read in front of the whole school/Harvest festival/Carol Service  
Work with teachers/TAs to plan and Lead a lunchtime game/activity  Help someone in the wider community.  
Be responsible for a particular area/job within your own classroom.  Do a regular act that helps save the planet.  
Give a visitor to our school a guided tour.  Climb a mountain.  
Plan and run a stall at the School Fair  Attend a club/lunchtime club in something that you are not very good at.   
Write part of or play a part in the creation of the school newsletter.  Do something altruistic   
Help a teacher with a club aimed at younger children  Eat something you have never tried before  
  Stay away from home for a night (or more)  
Diversity Challenge   Citizenship Challenge  
Visit a place of worship that is different from your own (if you have one)  Volunteer to help raise awareness for a national cause or charity.  
Learn a song sung in another language.  Volunteer to help raise awareness for a local cause or charity.  
Learn how to say Good morning and thank you in a language from every continent in the world.  Take part in anti-bullying week  
Research and give a presentation about what life is like at an inner-city school in the UK  Create an internet safety information poster  
Learn a dance from another culture   Donate to a food bank  
Eat food from a different country (not including Italy, America, China or India)   Give a presentation about the needs of the local area  
Write a story about someone who is completely different from you  Take part in fundraising for Red Nose  
Take part in a themed day about a different culture  Take part in fundraising for Children In Need  
Take part in an activity with someone from the Middlesbrough Asylum Project  Do something to actively help the environment in your local area.  
Take part in a Paralympic sport  Persuade someone to start using Fair Trade products  
Using the Year 2 famous people in world history timeline, create a presentation about a person from a different background from your own.  Create a road safety poster   
Read a book in which the main character has a background that is completely different from your own.  Litter pick in your local area  
Interview someone from a different religion  Grow and eat your own food  
Create a piece of “Pride” artwork  Write a letter to your local MP  
Sports England
Osted Good
ICT Mark
Healthy Schools
Active Mark
Arts Council
The FA

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