Hutton Rudby Primary School

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Hutton Rudby Primary School

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For Parents and Carers

Mental Health & Wellbeing

At Hutton Rudby Primary School Mental Health and Wellbeing is of the utmost importance. We as a community value mindfulness and believe in giving children the chance to develop positive mental health as much as developing their academic skills.

We have worked hard to develop a whole school approach to pupil wellbeing. Through PSHE education, pastoral care and many other approaches we not only keep pupils safe and well, and support them when things go wrong, but also aim to equip pupils to make positive choices to keep themselves and others safe and healthy, manage their own behaviour and relationships and to know and be able to independently access the sources of support they need for themselves or when they are worried about a friend.


Check out some of these websites:

NHS web page with lots of mental health apps to download.

BBC Bitesize

Please see below a list of useful resources for supporting children and young people’s mental health

  • Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families: Their self-care resource for their ‘On My Mind’ campaign, has many simple self-care activities which you can do at home. Written by young people to help other young people who are feeling low or anxious.  The strategies should also be useful to adults.
  • The Headlight Project teaches children about mental health, whilst providing support and help for adults.

Compass BUZZ

Compass Buzz have provided school with a wealth of resources to share which can be accessed below:

Wellbeing apps

Resilience workbook

Mindfulness Exercises

My Wellbeing Toolkit

Five Ways to Wellbeing

Bereavement Support

Calming Down

Calming Down Younger Children

Breathing for Self Calm

My Self Calm Menu

Emotional Literacy Worksheet

Synergy Trust Schools

About Synergy Schools

Synergy Schools is a federation of primary schools in the north of North Yorkshire. The federation was formed in September 2018 and has grown to include 6 North Yorkshire primary schools.